Got Prayer?  

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

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Ever been in this situation?
Sitting with a bunch of church friends in a local restaurant.....Let's say chili's (gotta have some nachos with salsa and ranch...get you some)!
Your all seated and chating when they bring out the yummy nachos and drinks and then that akward moment comes when you know it's time to bless the food. Everywhere you look people have silently placed their thumbs up
on the table top.
If you don't know the game...the last person with their thumbs up has to pray. "Ahhh Man"... prayer is said, and back to the yummy nachos!
I have been there...done that and let me just say I am quick on the draw.
Okay I know it is just a game and maybe I am a little to sensitive but this leaves a queezy feeling in the pit of my stomach ( maybe it's the salsa)
However, I witnessed this same scene recently from a group of people I did not know.
The thought occured to me....What are we saying really?What are our kids thinking? What about the watress? The non christians in the booth across from us? We are scurrying quickly to say to them..."I don't want to be the one who has to pray and you don't either!". I love this God of mine but I certainly can't be caught speaking to him in public.
I love to Pray! I guess because I am a talker , and I really don't care a bit what you think about my prayer. I just love conversations with God!
What a privilege we have to communicate in streaming HD with the creator of the universe! I want my kids to know that communication with God is top on my priority list!
At Home we don't even say "Whose Going to Pray", or "Someone needs to Pray". We say "Who wants to talk to God?" or "let's talk to God".
It's not easy for some to speak in front of others (I have a child like this!) She shys away from praying out loud and that is fine. We don't force the issue.
I just think we should be leaping across the table to be the first one to give thanks!

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4 comments: to “ Got Prayer?

  • Mandy Devine
    July 30, 2008 at 10:58 PM  

    I'm pretty sure we introduced this table fun into your life and the chips, salsa, & ranch... but I'm blaming it all on those Florida folk who taught it to us : ) That's my story and I'm sticking to it...

  • Tiffanie Lloyd
    July 31, 2008 at 6:09 PM  

    Can't find an email address for you anywhere...

  • Edie
    July 31, 2008 at 10:43 PM  

    This is so true. A lot of people are afraid to pray out loud even among Christians. You're right though, we need to be a light on a lampost. I used to wait tables. Lots of times people used to ask me if I wanted to lead them in prayer. While I declined to lead I would join them in prayer. It was always a blessing and they would always pray for me too. I would lead now if asked.

    When I go out to eat with my daughter and grandaughters I get to lead in prayer and I make sure no one is being shy about it too. Ha! I also say "Talk to God" over pray.

    Great post!

  • Lynnea
    August 1, 2008 at 7:17 AM  

    Until about 6mo ago I was definitly the one with my thumb up first, not wanting to pray. But God has brought me to a wonderful place of who cares who is listening. When you are the first to pray, though you are sending out a great message to everyone else in the group that it's ok to pray in front of others. Here's my slang talk-Quit thinkin about yo self and praise our Lord in Heavn'-shoooot. :)


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