
Sunday, March 11, 2007

Hooray! Daylight savings time is here! I can not tell you what this suttle change does for me each year. Three weeks early is fantastic. Bright...Bright...beautiful light! It gives me a high and creates a twinkle in my soul. I anxiously await this time each spring. It takes a while to ajust to the lost hour of sleep. But hey, who needs sleep anyway. It's way over rated.
Today the sun has shone brightly in the Carolina blue sky all day long.
Something inside of me was made for the light. As a matter of fact we are all made to long for the light. The Light shines in the darkness and the darknesss flees. Eternal Light? Now that sounds like Heaven to me!!

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Friday, March 9, 2007

"As for me, my life has already been poured out as an offering to God."2 Timothy 4:6

How could I possibly pass up the opportunity to share my thoughts. A dear friend recently suggested to me that I had a lot to say. This blog is one way to say it. I have learned it often takes many words for me to express my few thoughts! (Ha Ha) How unlike our Saviour, who used so few words to express such incredible truths.

What you read here will be the daily happenings, thoughts, insights, and nonsense of our family. Probably in more words than it will take for you to get the picture. But worth sharing.

We are a family being poured out as a drink offering to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
The thing about a drink offering is that it continues to be poured out until the vessel is empty.
We are called to be poured out in service and to flow freely to all who are thirsty.
Bottoms Up!


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