Now discover your strengths  

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Do you have the opportunity to do what you do best everyday?

Chances are you don't.

We usually devote most of our time to fixing our weeknesses, rather than building on our strengths or talents. We focus on our shortcomings more than our strengths or skills. Most people can quickly list all the weak /trouble spots in their lives that they are working on.

Even with learning programs we are forced to identify our weakness and strive, or study, or struggle to improve in these areas.

When our kids come home with reports from school...we automatically notice their weakest scores as what we need to assist them with.

What if we identified our strengths and worked towards maximizing them further?

Have you ever caught yourself saying "you can be anything you want to be when you grow up!"

I'm not so sure I agree with this statement.

Our current culture does. If you want to be a millonaire just "buy this book" or watch a saturday morning infomercial. If you want a deeper more fullfilling life, just follow these guidelines or find the "secret".

What if we taught our children this instead:

"You cannot be anything you may want to be....but, you can be a whole lot more of what God has already designed you to be!

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2 comments: to “ Now discover your strengths

  • Lily
    July 8, 2008 at 7:06 PM  

    Wow...that's so true. I have heard that statement so many times. I do not beleive that statement because even if you can achieve "what" you want, is't not necessarily "who" you are. I can be a hairstylist if I want to, but it really doesn't define my very being...other than creative, ofcourse :)

    Being who God created you to be is your best bet. I do have a lot of weaknesses, but I also have a lot of strengths, and I am going to focus on them and strenghten those areas instead of trying to strengthen my weaknesses. Sometimes I think they're there for a reason anyway.

  • Edie
    July 31, 2008 at 11:43 PM  

    I read this book too! Isn't is great! God used this book to really begin to show me how He wired me. I'm still learning but this was a huge first step.

    Renee there is an award waiting for you on my blog. :D


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