In a Field of Flowers  

Thursday, July 24, 2008

My Mom just called to tell me of a beautiful dream she had tonight of my sister Michele. Most of you who read this blog know that my sister Shelly entered Heaven last year after a Brain infection caused by a tumor. God gave us 8 years with her after doctors said she wouldn't live six months. Numerous times God answered our prayers with miracles of healing for her. She spent her years devoted to foreign missions in Kenya and Romania.
Mom said she was sleeping and she heard my sisters clear beautiful voice.
"Mommy" she said. "Come and play with me in a field of flowers."
She was dressed in tennis shoes and sweatpants (typical Shelly) and they ran and played, and danced in the flowers. "I love you Mommy" my sister said just before my Mom woke up.
I listened to my Mom share her dream. We cried, and then laughed at my sister running around in Heaven in a pair of sweatpants and grungy tennis shoes!
I am grateful for the dream. Thank you Lord for Eternal Life and a field of flowers.

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