You're It  

Monday, July 28, 2008

You're It
Originally uploaded by nailbender

Being new at this whole blog experience I am sure you could understand my confusion! I have just been tagged, for the first time, by a new friend at Journey through Faith.

My very first thought was...You will never catch me running! Seriously, I never played tag as a kid and it would be down right hilarious right now:)

My silly self moved on to trying to remember just how many of those "Do Not Remove" Tags I have actually torn off ! I think I can only count about 7. What is the penalty for removing those tags anyway?

Not to mention the number of tags I have torn out of my kids shirts because they are so darn itchy!

If you have ever received a gift from me you must have noticed that I never fill out the little tag that dangles from the bag! I never know what to write and don't you just re gift the bag anyway? I am saving the tag for you!

Okay so here is my very first attempt.....

These are the rules:

1) Link to the person who tagged you.

2) Post the rules on your blog.

3) Write 6 random things about yourself.

4) Tag 6 people at the end of your post and link to them.

5) Let each person know they have been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.

6) Let the tagger know when your entry is up.

My Six Things:

I really like fuzzy Socks! Especially the ones with the toes in them. This is very strange because I really don't like wearing them. I just think they are completely adorable.They look very nice in my drawers and make me laugh! My favorite pair look like froggies. I have been known to show up at life group in a pair of scooby doo slippers!

I have a very bad habit of pouring out people's drinks. I don't know why?.. but when I walk in the kitchen, if there is a cup with liquid in it I pour it out. This habit really annoys my husband who leaves cups with water and tea sitting around all the time. I don't even think about it I just do it automatically.

I need sunshine! I crave it! I was made for the light. I do not enjoy the heat though, just send me to Alaska and I'll bask in the Sun. I feel like I live in the bat cave because everyone else in my family likes dim light. So I make up for this by overloading my house with green plants! I am not sure of the connection but it works!

I absolutely love to read but I have a very short attention span. I usually have about 4 books that I am in the process of reading at the same time.I do most of my reading in the middle of the night because I believe that sleep is way overrated and there are so many other things I would rather be doing!

Candles are awesome. Not because of the fragrance as you might think. I just like the way they flicker. I find it completely charming to visit a friend and find a candle lit. It makes me feel cozy.

I am slightly OCD. I use way tooo much fabric softener and dish detergent. It took me much to long to find the right picture for this post and I have changed my 6 things about 10 times. Some of you are thinking right now that there is nothing slight about it!

Now your it!

The Devine Life

Sweet Violets

Life As I Know It

Okay I can only think of three people who might do this. Sorry, I hope I don't fail my very first game of Tag. (Sam you already Tagged my friend Lily)

This was Fun!

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5 comments: to “ You're It

  • Jen
    July 28, 2008 at 11:57 AM  

    So I did it! I didnt tag anyone cause you and Andrea already tagged the people I know. This was Fun!

  • Sam
    July 28, 2008 at 12:39 PM  

    It's difficult tagging people sometimes isn't it!!! I am glad you did this, it is always so very interesting to see what people say about themselves!

    I don't quite understand the picture though, perhaps it is because I am not American, but is it because you call licence plates "tags"?

  • Renee
    July 28, 2008 at 4:23 PM  

    Funny...Yah My husband always says " Don't let me forget to renew the tags!" I really had fun doing this! Renee

  • Tiffanie Lloyd
    July 28, 2008 at 10:02 PM  

    P.S. your daughter is adorable! I hope my kids grow up to be that sweet!

    And just so you know you aren't alone on the OCD thing, I collect cups and dump them out too. Drives hubby crazy! And when I'm surfing the blogesphere, I'll sometimes rewrite a comment five times before I hit publish.

    Glad to have met you!

  • Mandy Devine
    July 30, 2008 at 11:08 PM  

    Okay Nay...I've done it!


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