Sit a spell
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Possibly the best personal family blog on the Internet can be found here at Sit a Spell
A dear friend of mine shared this blog address with me almost 8 months ago and I am hooked!
I find myself challenged, inspired,laughing hysterically, crying and amused by the thoughts and experiences of this family and their church home and friends. Mark and I pray for these people each time we read a post...even my kids pray for their kids....Funny how this world has become. We know more about this family in Texas than some people on our block.
If you are reading my blog it's probably because you know me. Most of you probably read this blog already!!
But if you are out their browsing for blogs to read...stop reading mine and go here can always come back to me later.
My group of close friends and I have talked, laughed and shared about posts from this blog. We have been inspired in ways that have moved us to action. We even used the book Her Hands found on this website for our ladies small group.
We even decided to hang out at the park (check older posts) after reading about all the fun these guys have hanging out.
Anyway....Just a blog about a normal family (that's questionable) loving and serving the Lord as God leads and the community they impact.
Check it out!
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