Pray for Baby Caridee  

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Hello Friends. I have another prayer request for you. Pray for baby Caridee, Her parents and Brandi and Keith( brother of Mike Jones). What a beautiful name for a baby girl! For more info go here.

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Home School Video  

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

This is Tim Hawkins a Christian Comedian and His family.
Just thought this was so cute! Happy School Year to all!

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Back to the Basics  

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Pencils, Pens, Notebooks, Erasers, Book Covers, Crayons, Agendas, Sharpeners, Folders, Paper, Glue, Scissors, Backpacks, highlighters, Math Manipulates, Sticky notes, Journals, Planners............. If you are anything like me to love to shop for school supplies! My excitement as a child about school supplies has not diminished as I have grown! I love looking at and bringing home this stuff!!! Did I mention every color especially the gel ones: metallic and pearlized.
Whether you have kids in Public School, Charter School, Private School, Or choose to Home school Like we doubt you are gearing up for a new school year.
We review our progress, plot a course of study for the new year, encourage our children to put forth their best effort, set goals and rewards, plan field trips, re-connect with our support groups, stock up on lunch foods, underwear.....our preparation to educate our children Is a top Priority.

Deuteronomy 6:5-7
And you shall love the Lord your God with all your [mind and] heart and with your entire being and with all your might. And these words which I am commanding you this day shall be [first] in your [own] minds and hearts; [then] You shall whet and sharpen them so as to make them penetrate, and teach and impress them diligently upon the [minds and] hearts of your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down and when you rise up.
Let's ask ourselves this question:
What are we doing as a family to encourage a lifelong love and devotion for Jesus Christ within our children?
As we gear up for a new school year lets not forget the spiritual education of our children. Often families send or take their children to church and expect that they will learn all they need to know about God in a vibrant environment created by an awesome staff of Children's Ministry Volunteers. Although I believe this is a great addition in our families life...I know God has placed the responsibility for Teaching our children about Him into the hands and hearts of My Husband and Myself..
As we gear up this year for Godliness...Do You have a plan?
Let's remember to fill the hearts of our children with Gods word!
At what level is your child in their spiritual development? Are there devotional books, Bible studies, Story Books, Family Devotionals, that you may want to purchase as you begin to plan this year?
Are you encouraging your children to "Hide Gods word in their hearts" through scripture memory.
For more excellent information on Gearing up for Godliness check out this post at Sit A Spell.
I would love to hear about your families plan!

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Only Imagine  

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Our brother in Christ Todd Mitchell has changed his address to Heaven. I can only imagine the glory that he has discovered! In the presence of our Saviour in a Home prepared for Him. Praise be to God for Eternal Life that awaits all those who receive Christ as Lord of their life. Amen.

My heart breaks for His wife Paula and their 3 boys. Their are no words to speak. God's Grace is sufficent. Please be in prayer for this family. Pray for their church body as they minister to them.

Pray for my dear, dear friends Mike and Kristen Jones as they minister both as a pastor and best friend. Pray for their children as well, Faith, Kylee, Seth, Josh.

For more information regarding the Mitchell Family visit the Orchard Blog.

You too may have the assurence of Eternal Life. It is a free gift offered to all who will but receive through Faith in Jesus Christ, the son of the living God.

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Update Urgent prayer Request  

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Todd and Paula

Please be in prayer for the friend of my dear friends Mike and Kristen Jones. His name is Todd and He is fighting for his life at the age of 42. Husband and father. You can learn more here and here. Pray ernestly for Gods healing Power, wisdom for doctors, Strength for family and friends. Pray for Mike and Kristen as they minister to their friends.
Thank you.

Update: Todd colappsed from what appears to be a cardiac arrest. Doctors say He has sustained irresversable brain damage. Pray for ABSOLUTE TOTAL HEALING. Also pray for the family as they have tough decisions to make. Read more at their church blog.
The Orchard Blog

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Cafe Chat Soundtrack of Faith  

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Tell about one time in the past 5 years where you took a HUGE Step of Faith in your journey with the Lord. What was the outcome?

I am hearing music everywhere! The sounds of a life of Faith.

If my life....If your life... had a soundtrack created for it....What would it sound like?

Light and melodic ? Brassy like clashing cymbals? Soft and tender? Loud and dramatic?

When God listens to the Faith soundtrack of my life, Does He hear a Worship Song?

The music is complex. Filled with wild rhythms, crescendos, and sometimes mesto (mournfully sad). The sounds are sometimes pesante (Heavy, ponderous) or filled with tenerezza(tenderness).

I love listening to the faith of your lives. Watching as the music is written note by note. Hearing the stories of risk taken, steps of faith both large and small, harmonies of lives that effect another.

Faith is being sure of what we hope for, and certain of what we do not see.
Hebrews 11:1

Wonder what the soundtrack for these scenes would reverberate like?

By Faith God accepted Abel's Gift.
By Faith Enoch was swept away without dying.
By Faith Noah built a boat.
By Faith Moses delivered God's People.
By Faith the walls of Jericho fell down.
By Faith Rehab was spared.
By Faith Sarah gave birth to a child.

Or this moment in time taken from God's Word. Daniel 3
Three Men refusing to bow down. Standing up for Christ! Thrown into the fiery Furnace.The music is solemn, grave. Suddenly in their midst is the saviour! Can you hear the music? They are protected...not even a hint of smokey smell on their garments. The one in whom they put there trust has come to the rescue.

All who witness...All who see their salvation...All who listen to the music of their faith respond with Belief. "For no other God can do what this one does" Daniel 3:29

I often wonder how the music would change with the ending.

What if God showed up in the fiery Furnace for Shadrack, Meshack, and Abednego.....held their hands...offered comfort...looked into their eyes as... they perished, as the were consumed by the flames. How would the witnesses respond? How would their families and friends remember their story, their song of faith?

A Crisis of faith perhaps..... Or simply acceptance for Gods plan.
This is my story, This is the story of my baby sister Michele.
Shelly changed her address to heaven last year and now lives in a home created especially for her! This was my Crisis of Faith. The moment when I had to choose to believe, accept God's will, or sit in sack cloth and become bitter, angry and un trusting of God and his plans.
Shelly was an ordinary girl, you wouldn't notice her in a crowd, and she preferred it that way. She was a young women with no hidden agendas, or ulterior motives. Simple Girl, Simple lifestyle, extraordinary heart.
At the Age of 21, in school to become a nurse with the intentions of becoming a foreign missionary and living her life in extreme areas of poverty, my sister learned she has a brain tumor that was inoperable and given 6 months to live.
God had other plans and so did she. He provided 1 of 2 doctors in the states willing to take the risk of operating on her tumor. We new the risks. 80% chance of Loosing all sight, altered personality, vegetative state.....But what choice do you have at 21 years of age. God was there, a miracle was performed, she recovered from a partially successful surgery and was left with no harm and a shunt in her head that allowed spinal fluid to drain into her abdomen. God Provided a Miracle for my family.
6 weeks later she was on the ground in Romania ministering to Gypsy children. She came home with no shoes and very few clothes. She gave them away to anyone who asked.
Christ became my sisters beloved! She had no earthly love except him. I can recall 2 kisses from boyfriends. But nothing serious. How do you start a relationship, a family, when you know that you have heard from God and He is saying your life on this earth will be very short. She obtained a job working with Alzheimer's patients and continued to travel the globe.She devoted herself to the people in this world with no voice, no hope. She shared the hope she had flowing from her soul. The hope of Christ.
She would endure 8 years of brain surgeries, (7), excruciating pain, migraine headaches masked by medication....several healing touches from the master, open heart surgery at 28....all while returning to Romania or Kenya shortly after a quick recovery against the advice of her doctors.

At the age of 30, lying in a hospital bed, she developed a brain infection. She was surrounded by family. Especially my Mother and Father. My Mom traveled the country with special research hospitals, rehab centers for traumatic brain injuries. My Mom lived in hospitals and hotels for nearly a year. She would sit by my sisters side and then leave her room and minister to other families in traumatic events. Pray with them. Lead them to Christ. Share the testimony of God's faith fullness to our family and speak of a heaven that awaits those who love Christ Jesus. I know of many who received Christ. Whose lives were strengthened as a result of the path God had chosen for my sister and our families.
One thing I am sure of...She was in perfect Peace at all times! Never complaining always gracious...I Know it was God at work in her, in the midst of the fire, holding her hand while she was consumed!
She was at peace.......
Outwardly this was no peaceful thing. Death was not pretty, dignified, or gracious to her. My family suffered, our hearts cried out, pleaded, begged, bargained, accepted.
We watched as our God who can heal the sick, save the soul, command the wind, Raise the dead, we watched as he held her hand and allowed her to suffer and die. This is a Crisis of Faith.
We gathered together as she was dying, singing songs and praise and rejoicing in the healing that was about to take place, we read scripture, we cried, my mother talked her into the arms of Jesus.
When she was finally absent from the body and present with the Lord my dad gathered us around her, we held hands.
He prayed this prayer through tears, traumatic pain and agony......He could barely utter the words.............
"Father God I give to you my baby girl...
The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away, In all things Blessed be the name of the Lord."
We sang a song of Praise to the creator who held our hands as we were consumed.
This is my crisis of Faith. It is being worked out on a daily basis.
" I know whom I had believed and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I've committed unto Him against that day!"

My perspective has changed. My view of Life and Gods plan. I am much more focused on preparing for the gazillions of years I will spend in the presence of Christ than in the insignificant things, material possessions, and nonsense of the world. I seek after the eternal. The things that will last. I am teaching my children to long for the eternal while experiencing to the fullest all Christ has for them in this world.
I am trusting with blind faith in the things I do not understand. Gods ways are higher than ours, His plans are greater than ours. Of this I am certain.
I wonder what the music sounds like?
I Hope the soundtrack of my faith walked out is pleasing to my savior.
"Take Joy My King in what you hear. May it be a sweet, sweet sound in your ear."

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I'm Lovin it!  

Monday, August 11, 2008

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Praise and Worship at Micky D's. Today Sarah and her friend Nicole came home from camp Lurecrest! She was so excited to share her experiences. This is her fifth year of camp. The girls were talking non stop. We decided to drop by McDonald's for some ice cream, and to sit and chat about camp. Sarah, being much like her mom in the area of communication, left out no details. They gave me a moment by moment replay of events from their moment of arrival until they boarded the buses to return. Extreme faith was the theme this year. The worship and Drama was awesome. Sarah amazes me by her sensitivity to the Holy Spirit. I am encouraged and challenged by the thoughts that run through her 11 year old head.

The girls decided that the best way to describe their interpretive dance routine was to perform it right in the middle of Mickey D's. Without hesitation they both stood in the middle of the room and began to sing and dance to "Peace Be still" I cried. The entire restaurant was watching at this point. It was 1pm and the place was full. With unashamed hearts full of emotion Sarah and Nicole danced and sang to a room full of people eating lunch. I don't think they realized they had an audience. Some of the kids playing on the playground stood at the door to see what was going on. I couldn't tell you every one's impression but I know my heart was full of joy at the level of joy and love that I saw on their faces as they danced. Did I ever tell you what a wonderful set of girls the Lord has blessed me with. I am honored to be their mother.

When we came home they danced again for our neighbor. I caught a little

on video in our driveway

Later on this afternoon Sarah was sharing with her little sister about the Worship the evening before they came home.

I listened as she told her sister about How if you practice extreme Faith you can change the world. She said the world was looking for treasure. Something to fill their hearts with. She told her sister that on a hidden treasure map X always marks the spot where you find the treasure. She said living for God out loud was like being an open map for anyone who was looking for him. That we can change the world by showing them that the treasure is Jesus and he lives inside of us. So my girls took a marker and wrote a giantX on their hands. "Mom" Kyndall said " We are going to change the world together."

I know they will!
I'm Lovin' It!!

P. S. Sarah posted on her blog about camp. You can read it here. Kyndall posted on her weekend with my family. You can read it here.

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Cafe Chat- One Passion  

Saturday, August 9, 2008

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What is one thing or cause that you are passionate about? (More specifically, something you feel that the Lord has burdened your heart with)

Have you ever visited an aquarium? I am fascinated by the ocean fish and love admiring them with my children, pointing out their uniqueness, and observing them as they move about in their pre-made environment. As I watch I can't help but feel that something is wrong. They don't belong here....It is not their home. These fish were not made for this giant glass box....They were made for a vast ocean! Maybe the fish don't know any better but I wonder if their instincts tell them that they were made for somewhere magnificent , that their true home is somewhere else, beyond these glass walls.

If you know me well, you might think my passion is children. I Love Kids!

Not just mine, but yours! Laughing, smelly, cute, dirty, sad, excited, hungry, hurting, discovering, wondering, questioning, Kids!! The ones that pee on you, love on you, play with you, hurl on you, jump on you, sleep on you, and throw fits on you! It's what I do...It's who I am.

If you know me well, you might think my passion is relationships.

I care about people! Brown, white, beautiful, ugly, tall, short, fat, old, young, rich, mean, kind, homeless, hurting, happy, poor, smart, People!

The ones that hurt you, bless you, call you, comfort you, help you, annoy you, encourage you, use you up, love you, curse you, pray with you, and strengthen you. It's what I do...It's who I am.

It goes deeper than that...My True Passion. It is the root of all I do and think.

What is My True passion? The Desire that drives my actions and thoughts?

Have you ever been on a trip like this: You are having fun, doing new things, enjoying life when suddenly everything becomes miserable. The car breaks down, someone steals your wallet, everyone gets sick, and it seems nothing is going right. What did you want more than anything?

To Go Home!

As you are driving back, you can't wait to get home! You can almost feel your comfy bed, taste the home cooked food, and envision yourself sitting around with friends and family laughing together , telling funny stories about all the things you saw, and what went wrong along the way! The craving for Home is sweet. You throw on your comfortable clothes right away, kick off your shoes! It's were you are you. Your friends come to visit, you love your favorite chair.

No matter how much we enjoy our trip, our adventures, we anticipate, look forward to coming home!

The strongest Passion that drives me...That God has placed deep within my soul is Eternal Life...Heavenly Treasures....Eternal significance!

I must keep alive in myself the desire for my true country, which I shall not find till after death; I must never let it get snowed under or turned aside; I must make it the main object of life to press on to that other country and to help others to do the same. C.S. Lewis

I have never been to Heaven...Yet I miss it! It is what I was made for!

My passion lies in the things that will last forever...The smile and wonder on a child's face when they hear how amazing God is...How powerful...And that this God wants to have a personal relationship with them. The understanding of a friend who has just discovered a truth in God's word that they can apply to their life! Attitudes...Motives... Heart Issues...Good works.....A smile....Kind words....Encouragement...Tears shared...hearts restored....lives changed....Truth realized...Grace accepted....compassion shared...mercy given.....This is what drives me!

Everything in this world will completely pass away....I could care less about cars, clothes, furniture, houses, toys..etc... Don't get me wrong, I enjoy these things and when my engine light is on in my car I care...But only because it might keep me from church or you or your kids.

As a little girl growing up in church I would listen to sermons about Heaven. Honestly I was afraid. I just had this image of me and my family floating around on a cloud, dressed in white , and singing....forever and ever....andever....andever...with an endless harp playing in the background. I was afraid because I didn't even like some of the songs we sang at church. I was afraid of what would happen if I got tired or bored . Would I be struck by lightening?

I have come to learn the awesomeness of my Lord! The beauty of His creation, and the miracle of life that He gives. Imagine a Heaven, a New earth Restored to it's original design! Hand crafted by our saviour! The way it was intended to be before the fall of mankind. Before sin entered our hearts.

I am passionate about things eternal. All That will last...I am passionate about a home I have not seen...A place I have not visited...

Revelation 21
The New Jerusalem

1 Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea.
2 I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband.
3 And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God.
4 He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.
5 He who was seated on the throne said, I am making everything new! Then he said, Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.
6 He said to me: It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To him who is thirsty I will give to drink without cost from the spring of the water of life.
7 He who overcomes will inherit all this, and I will be his God and he will be my son

This is what Drives me...What I long for..My Passion...

Life eternal with Christ Jesus!

I would love to recommend this book for you!

This book is amazing! Apart from God's word this book has had an incredible impact on my heart.

God Bless you!
John 14
1 Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.
2 In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you.
3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am

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Thursday, August 7, 2008

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Ever Just wondered about stuff?? I find myself asking crazy questions all the time!!

"How come there's strawberry jam all over my keyboard?"

Who left the diaper in the babies clothes and then put them through the wash? Yuck!!

Why can't you get a tan on your palms?

What does the K in K-Mart Actually stand for?

What's the difference between normal ketchup and fancy ketchup?

We All have questions we would like to have answered?

Sometimes we find a solution and sometimes not. There are even questions that run through my head that I would like to ask Jesus. Things we will have to wait until Christ's return for the answer.

Jesus communicated in unique ways throughout the bible. Using stories, word pictures that would relate to the times and situations his audience faced. He often asked questions of his disciples, Pharisees, and other people he came in contact with.

These questions will be the topic for our small group this fall. I have a group of ladies who are my dearest friends. Most of us are stay at home moms or have flexible work schedules. We get together for Bible Study once a week. The Kids play and we Learn together from God's Word and pray for one another and just visit.

We have done several Beth Moore studies, Don't waste your Life by John Piper, Women of the Bible, and Her Hands. This time we have researched The Questions that Jesus asked throughout His Ministry. We are each choosing 3 questions, Researching, and writing lessons to share with the rest of the group based on the questions we choose. I am really excited about this study!

I have chosen 2 questions so far for sure.

"What is your name?" Mark 5:9

"What do you want me to do?" Mark 10:51

This is really going to be an interesting study!!

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Family and Friends only  

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

In order to encourage some extra creative writing for our new school year I have set my girls up with blogs of their own. They are non published Blogs. You can not search for them on Google blog search or reach them by randomly browsing or clicking on next blog. Their profiles link back to my own. I encourage you to read them from time to time and comment! ( This would be fun for them) However do not add them to your blog rolls or blog lists. If you want to read them just come to my blog and find them on my list. Thanks for your support in keeping my kids safe from weirdos and stranger danger!

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Cafe Chat- Friendships  

Sunday, August 3, 2008

What is one thing that you absolutely love about friendships? Why? On the other side, what is one thing that you find absolutely difficult when it comes to friendships? Why?

Ashleigh Andrea Alycia BettyJo Becky Debbie Jenn Kristen Karen Lynnea Linda Jo Mandy Missy Pat Susana

I am so blessed by the beautiful sister's in Christ that grace my life with genuine true friendship!

This is only the beginning of the list of people that God has used to encourage me along my journey. God's list of friends for me keeps growing!

Best Friend Old Friend New Friend Casual Friend good friend buddy pal companion sister bff PEEPS

We use many different words to describe the people we Cherish.

The thing that amazes me most about friendship really has nothing to do with the individual people themselves. It is about how God shines through them!

I am completely Amazed at how God designs and chooses the close friendships that HE has placed in my life! Each of these people are so uniquely crafted by God. Each one of them are excitedly different! A big giant diverse group of spiritual gifts talents abilities personalities quirks taste habits thoughts gifts skills dispositions Hangupsstrengths weaknesses

Each one of these people brings an abundance of Joy into my life! God uses these people in amazing ways to show his love for me! He speaks through them directly into my heart! God reveals himself to me, in part, through traveling together with them along their journey. I watch listen and learn from these ladies and it makes my life more beautiful!

Accountability is the one area of friendship that I sometimes find difficult. Hard to give it...Hard to Receive it.

I need accountability! Why are we sometimes so afraid of it? Why do we shy away from it? I want my friends to hold me accountable but when push comes to shove...I don't.
I guess it all boils down to
Who are the women in your life that Have permission to speak into your situation? Who has given you permission to speak into the circumstances of their lives? This is real friendship!
All of these women are my dearest friends because at one time or another they have challenged me in my relationship with Christ. They know the ins and outs of my day to day life! They know my downfalls, and the sins that easily trip me up! But they love me anyway!

Lord soften my heart that I would be willing to invite accountability from the people who love me the most! Help me to ask for it! Help me to be willing to step out on a limb and give it!

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Internet Explorer can not open this site! Spam  

Friday, August 1, 2008

AHHHHH! I have been trying to view my blog for hours with no success! I can't believe how annoying it was to me! Blog spot says that lots of blogs were accidentally identified as spam!! Imagine....Me...Spam! I never go near the stuff...Yuck. Anyway after picking up my monitor to throw it out the window I paused and noticed something...............

I could access all blogs with no site meter on them! Sooooo

If you are having this problem go to blog spot. Sign into your account from there.Then remove the html for site meter and BAM MO. We are back in business! Aren't I a genius! Wonder how long it will take them to figure it out??I should be on the payroll!!!

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