Pray for Baby Caridee
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Hello Friends. I have another prayer request for you. Pray for baby Caridee, Her parents and Brandi and Keith( brother of Mike Jones). What a beautiful name for a baby girl! For more info go here.
"As for me, my life has already been poured out as an offering to God." 2 Timothy 4:6
Hello Friends. I have another prayer request for you. Pray for baby Caridee, Her parents and Brandi and Keith( brother of Mike Jones). What a beautiful name for a baby girl! For more info go here.
Posted in Prayer by Renee | 0 comments
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This is Tim Hawkins a Christian Comedian and His family.
Just thought this was so cute! Happy School Year to all!
Posted in God tube, Homeschool by Renee | 5 comments
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Tell about one time in the past 5 years where you took a HUGE Step of Faith in your journey with the Lord. What was the outcome?
I am hearing music everywhere! The sounds of a life of Faith.
Posted in Cafe Chat, Heaven, Shelly, testimonies by Renee | 7 comments
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What is one thing or cause that you are passionate about? (More specifically, something you feel that the Lord has burdened your heart with)
Have you ever visited an aquarium? I am fascinated by the ocean fish and love admiring them with my children, pointing out their uniqueness, and observing them as they move about in their pre-made environment. As I watch I can't help but feel that something is wrong. They don't belong here....It is not their home. These fish were not made for this giant glass box....They were made for a vast ocean! Maybe the fish don't know any better but I wonder if their instincts tell them that they were made for somewhere magnificent , that their true home is somewhere else, beyond these glass walls.
If you know me well, you might think my passion is children. I Love Kids!
Not just mine, but yours! Laughing, smelly, cute, dirty, sad, excited, hungry, hurting, discovering, wondering, questioning, Kids!! The ones that pee on you, love on you, play with you, hurl on you, jump on you, sleep on you, and throw fits on you! It's what I do...It's who I am.
If you know me well, you might think my passion is relationships.I care about people! Brown, white, beautiful, ugly, tall, short, fat, old, young, rich, mean, kind, homeless, hurting, happy, poor, smart, People!
Have you ever been on a trip like this: You are having fun, doing new things, enjoying life when suddenly everything becomes miserable. The car breaks down, someone steals your wallet, everyone gets sick, and it seems nothing is going right. What did you want more than anything?
To Go Home!
As you are driving back, you can't wait to get home! You can almost feel your comfy bed, taste the home cooked food, and envision yourself sitting around with friends and family laughing together , telling funny stories about all the things you saw, and what went wrong along the way! The craving for Home is sweet. You throw on your comfortable clothes right away, kick off your shoes! It's were you are you. Your friends come to visit, you love your favorite chair.
No matter how much we enjoy our trip, our adventures, we anticipate, look forward to coming home!The strongest Passion that drives me...That God has placed deep within my soul is Eternal Life...Heavenly Treasures....Eternal significance!
I must keep alive in myself the desire for my true country, which I shall not find till after death; I must never let it get snowed under or turned aside; I must make it the main object of life to press on to that other country and to help others to do the same. C.S. Lewis
I have never been to Heaven...Yet I miss it! It is what I was made for!
My passion lies in the things that will last forever...The smile and wonder on a child's face when they hear how amazing God is...How powerful...And that this God wants to have a personal relationship with them. The understanding of a friend who has just discovered a truth in God's word that they can apply to their life! Attitudes...Motives... Heart Issues...Good works.....A smile....Kind words....Encouragement...Tears shared...hearts restored....lives changed....Truth realized...Grace accepted....compassion shared...mercy given.....This is what drives me!
I am passionate about things eternal. All That will last...I am passionate about a home I have not seen...A place I have not visited...
Posted in Cafe Chat, Heaven by Renee | 11 comments
Email this postEver Just wondered about stuff?? I find myself asking crazy questions all the time!!
"How come there's strawberry jam all over my keyboard?"
Who left the diaper in the babies clothes and then put them through the wash? Yuck!!
Why can't you get a tan on your palms?
What does the K in K-Mart Actually stand for?
What's the difference between normal ketchup and fancy ketchup?
We All have questions we would like to have answered?
Sometimes we find a solution and sometimes not. There are even questions that run through my head that I would like to ask Jesus. Things we will have to wait until Christ's return for the answer.
Jesus communicated in unique ways throughout the bible. Using stories, word pictures that would relate to the times and situations his audience faced. He often asked questions of his disciples, Pharisees, and other people he came in contact with.
These questions will be the topic for our small group this fall. I have a group of ladies who are my dearest friends. Most of us are stay at home moms or have flexible work schedules. We get together for Bible Study once a week. The Kids play and we Learn together from God's Word and pray for one another and just visit.
We have done several Beth Moore studies, Don't waste your Life by John Piper, Women of the Bible, and Her Hands. This time we have researched The Questions that Jesus asked throughout His Ministry. We are each choosing 3 questions, Researching, and writing lessons to share with the rest of the group based on the questions we choose. I am really excited about this study!
I have chosen 2 questions so far for sure.
"What is your name?" Mark 5:9
"What do you want me to do?" Mark 10:51
This is really going to be an interesting study!!
Posted in Life Group, Questions Jesus Asked by Renee | 1 comments
Email this postIn order to encourage some extra creative writing for our new school year I have set my girls up with blogs of their own. They are non published Blogs. You can not search for them on Google blog search or reach them by randomly browsing or clicking on next blog. Their profiles link back to my own. I encourage you to read them from time to time and comment! ( This would be fun for them) However do not add them to your blog rolls or blog lists. If you want to read them just come to my blog and find them on my list. Thanks for your support in keeping my kids safe from weirdos and stranger danger!
Posted in kids by Renee | 1 comments
Email this postI am so blessed by the beautiful sister's in Christ that grace my life with genuine true friendship!
This is only the beginning of the list of people that God has used to encourage me along my journey. God's list of friends for me keeps growing!Posted in Cafe Chat, Friends by Renee | 6 comments
Email this postPosted in Melt downs by Renee | 6 comments
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