FaMiLy FuN nIgHt !!  

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Fantastic time hanging out with my Favs! The girls and I played danced around the house to 104.7 eighties night. Mark grilled us a fantastic dinner. Yum Yum!

Barbaque Chicken, Grilled corn, Italian green beans. Finer Lickin good:)

Then on with the show! For years our girls have been creating and preforming various plays, skits, musicals, church services, revivals etc.... for our enjoyment. Tonight's show included a fashion show. Meet announcer and D J Sarah Grace Lewis

This cutie modeled 7 different outfits including accesories!

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We ended the night with one of our favorite family traditions. Pajamma Run!!!! After kids are in the bed, Daddy turns on the lights and yells Pajamma Run. Then we all pile in the car and head for ice cream. We went for Wendy's Frosties. I Love nights like tonight. Making memories that will last forever!

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Raindrops are falling on my head!  

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Anytime it rains we run outside to play!! Well we do have enough sense to come in from a thunderstorm....most of the time.

When I was a little girl we lived in Lexington, Kentucky. My daddy would always take us for long walks in the rain. It is one of the best childhood memories!! Sometimes we would even wash our hair outside on the drive way. We would draw pictures with dish soap and watch as they bubbled and ran down the road.

Now as a mom myself, when a steady rain falls I run around the house like crazy and force my kids to come out and play with me:) It usually doesn't take much coaxing.

Most of my neighbors think we are nuts. I don't pay them any mind. Today I took a lot of pictures of the girls. Next time I'll try to remember to get some of myself.

We found this really cool and fairly large turtle right in the middle of the yard. Kyndall was so excited and of course wanted to keep him. We convinced her to set him free. What a fun day! Next time it rains head over to our house and play!

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Beautiful Faces  

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

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Spent the evening outdoors with the girls taking a whole bunch of pictures! Can't beleive how fast they are growing Up! Planning on cherishing every moment

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Cats Eyes  

Monday, May 18, 2009

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Just had this precious conversation with Kyndall.
Kyndall: "Mom I have something that I need to tell you. (Deep Breath and terror stricken eyes) I just know I have to tell you..... but I don't know how. Well I do know how, but I know you will be disappointed in me...."
Me: "Well Kyndall what makes you want to tell me now?"
Kyndall: "Well, I just think about it a lot and it makes me feel bad on the inside like deep down in my heart for a long time." " I did something really bad and I think you might be shocked"
Me: "How long ago did it happen?"
Kyndall: " I think about a year ago or something." "But sometimes I think about it and I feel like I really need to tell you about it"
Me: " Kyndall is there a voice inside that whispers and tells you to come to me and let me know what you did?"
Kyndall: "Yes...but I try not to listen until now."
Me: " Kyndall I am sure that is the Holy Spirit speaking to you. Not to make you feel bad or guilty but just to encourage you to do the right thing."
Kyndall: "Mom see this cat mask, I really like it. I liked it so much that about a year ago I took it from Odessa's house with out asking. I remember you asked me where I got it and I told you grandma gave it to me and that was a big lie. (Deep Breath and teared eyes)
Me: " And now every time you see it and want to play with it you are reminded of what you did and how wrong it was?"
Kyndall: "Yah and I hear that voice again and Mom I am so sorry because I know that was a terrible thing to do."
Me: " Kyndall your made a bad choice....But I have to say I am so proud of you for listening to the voice of Jesus and coming to me with the truth. You need to know that I will always love you no matter what you do. Even when you make a bad choice." I know it's been a long time but we need to put this up in a safe place and make plans to give it back to Odessa and tell her what happened."
Kyndall: " I know. (Huge relief sigh) I love you MOM." I feel so much better.
Me: "Kyndall let's pray and ask for forgiveness and thank God for always helping us do the right thing. (Prayer)
Kyndall: "Thanks Mom" (Big Tight Hugs)
Me: " Kyndall always remember when you hear a soft voice telling you to do the right should listen right away the first time. The longer you ignore it, the harder it is to hear Him when He talks to you."

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Race City Festival  

Saturday, May 16, 2009

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Visited the Race City Festival today! Formally known as the Lake Norman Festival. It was quite a different experience from the "old times" of actually working the festival at a Race City Booth. The only thing that was familiar was the Rain!! Some of you know what I am saying!!

Anyway enjoyed acro-fitness as always and now convinced that this might be the "one thing" I can get Kyndall interested in:)
Check Spelling
We took Zachary too. Now that was a hoot. Of course ran into a bunch of friends, ate a pretzel(with mustard of course), and most of all satisfied my addiction. The real reason I attend these type of events at all..

Free Pens and Pencils!
Seriously, Every year I collect enough pens, rulers, and pencils to furnish our home school for the entire year! It's why I go in the first place.
Just looked through old pics to find Lake Norman Festival pictures and couldn't find a single one!
end note: I have also realized how much I like blogging and How posting on face book has rendered me incapable of typing complete sentences, using way too many !!! and :)

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